Saturday, February 19, 2011


My biggest stresses?
Money, and finding a balance between everythig. I feel like
I am always a few steps behind with the money thing- just never quite there. And I get caught up, and when I get caught up I 1. Eat, and 2. Will sneak a cigarette from someone I work with. Neither one of there is something that I should do...... I also feel like should is a strong word. Should do shouldn't do blah blah blah.......

I thought a bunch about something danille said- not letting failing be an excuse for quitting. And Thats a big thing for me too. "ah I can't do this I ate (something horrible) blah balh blah why do I bother?!" OR I get mad- "WHY can't I just eat what I want!!"

So since I'm home this week, I can't seem to load pictures from my phone- lame.

Just a warning.

Ok I'm hungry, and need to ding breakfast. A scrambled egg maybe? I need to hit the grocery store- it's going to be a long day with errands and cleaning.

Thank ALL of you for your support. I love you -and need you- all!!!!

1 comment:

  1. The most important thing to remember: PROGRESS, not perfection!
