Friday, February 18, 2011

It begins....

I mean, I have to be honest here.

I'm basically sick of myself. Not MYSELF that is, but how I look, and how I am taking care of myself (or not). I mean, I normally go through the motions.

Frozen diet lunch blah blah blah. But lets talk about the amount of butter I put on my breakfast,and I'm lucky if I'm breaking even.

I'm 27. Lets think that I'm lucky, and I live till 80 with my kiddos. That's 53 years of looking like this.

I've already spent 5. And I don't want to spend 5 more. Honestly though, I have these ahHA moments every few months. But the weight never disapears, and here I continue to sit. TALK TALK TALK.

Enough talk. WHY IS IT SO HARD to love myself enough to do this? Or maybe I am just lazy?
So if this is me before kids:

How do I get back here?

  1. No more soda. I don't care how much I want it.
  2. 20 minutes of activity a day. It cant be that hard to fit in. I'm worth it.
  3. Take a picture of what it is that I'm eating. AND POST IT HERE SO THAT YOU SEE IT TOO. Maybe I can make myself eat better?
I don't know what else. Ideas?

I weigh 205 today.
I want to weigh 202 this time next week.


  1. You can do it Mandy!! I'm here for you if you need anything :)

  2. You can do it and you will! it takes a lot of determination, but most of all, a LOT of forgiveness. That means not being really hard on yourself for a mistake and giving up because you think you can't do it. Use every mistake as a learning experience. See it, own it, and turn it around. I'm with you all the way.

  3. It's hard! Lean on us and we'll help you through it :)

  4. Good luck Mandy! We will help you x

  5. You CAN do it! I'm on the same path w/ you right now. I was just looking at photos of myself before kids. Man, do I look different now. At least I see myself as looking a lot different, but I still feel like I'm that skinny, pre-baby girl. Anyway, drink LOTS of water! Just making sure you get at least 8- 8oz. glasses of water each day will actually cause you to loose some pounds on it's own! And get as much sleep as you can - that helps you loose weight, too. So, I guess set a bed time for yourself & stick to it. And I will try to practice what I preach, too (which, I've been trying :)).
